Blog Article | Eco-friendly and Environmentally Responsible Preserved Roses

Author: Ader Broersen  Date Posted:5 July 2024 

In this article, I'll highlight some key eco-friendly and environmentally responsible practices from one of our preserved rose suppliers, Vermeille.

In this article, I'll highlight some key eco-friendly and environmentally responsible practices from one of our preserved rose suppliers, Vermeille.

The preservation process of our Vermeille ever-lasting roses is eco-friendly, as the primary solvent is ethanol derived from sugar cane and other non-toxic chemicals. These treatments give the preserved roses a wonderful and natural appearance. In addition, Vermeille is also an environmentally responsible preserved rose producer. They have developed an Environmental Policy that not only complies with local regulations but also aims to exceed them. These practices are underscored by the fact that they are Rainforest Alliance Certified.

"Vermeille’s commitment to eco-friendly and environmentally responsible practices sets a high standard in the preserved rose industry."

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization dedicated to creating a more sustainable world by leveraging social and market forces. Their mission is focused on;

  • Protecting Forests: They work to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by promoting responsible land use and forest management.

  • Improving Livelihoods: They aim to enhance the well-being of farmers and forest communities by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and fair trade.

  • Promoting Human Rights: They advocate for the rights of rural people, including Indigenous communities, and work towards gender equality and the elimination of child and forced labour.

  • Climate Action: They support climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions to help communities adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Their approach involves building alliances among farmers, forest communities, companies, and consumers to drive deep-rooted change on pressing social and environmental issues.


Vermeille’s commitment to eco-friendly and environmentally responsible practices sets a high standard in the preserved rose industry. Utilizing ethanol derived from sugar cane and other non-toxic chemicals ensures their preservation process is safe and sustainable. Their dedication to going above and beyond local environmental regulations and achieving Rainforest Alliance Certification further underscores their leadership in sustainable practices.

Choosing Vermeille preserved roses supports a company that prioritizes our planet's health and communities' well-being while at the same time choosing quality preserved roses. By aligning with the Rainforest Alliance’s mission to protect forests, improve livelihoods, promote human rights, and take climate action, Vermeille demonstrates that luxury and sustainability can go hand in hand.

What's next?

Explore Vermeille's product range and see what's available in stock right now:

About the author

Ader Broersen – Ader is Co-owner, Marketing & Sales Director at All InSeason Australia & New Zealand | 20+ years of experience in the agricultural/flower industry both in Holland and Australia with a passion for flowers.

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